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Systems Control and Optimization Laboratory
Faculty of Engineering
University of Freiburg
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Upcoming Events
13.02.2025 - Leonardo Cecchin: Multilayer Optimal Control for Hydraulic Systems
17.02.2025 - Internal Workshop on Systems, Control and Optimization
24.02.2025 - Optimierung von Nahwärmenetzen
18.03.2025 - Johannes Köhler: MPC designs for nonlinear uncertain systems
15.09.2025 - Summer School on Robust Model Predictive Control with CasADi
06.10.2025 - Fall School on Model Predictive Control and Reinforcement Learning
Past Events
11.02.2025 - Niklas Märtens: Modellierung und Simulation von Batteriealterung für PV-Heimspeicher
03.02.2025 - Winter School on Numerical Methods for Optimal Control of Nonsmooth Systems
28.01.2025 - Joe Koszut: Control and Optimization for Energy Managment in Hybrid Vehicles
21.01.2025 - Lukas Pries: Robust Agile Flight: Tightly Coupling Sensor-based and Optimal Control
21.01.2025 - Felix Ebert: Rocket Engine Modelling for Optimal Control & Model Based Design
10.01.2025 - Matthias Gramlich: Mixed-Integer Nonlinear Predictive Control for District Heating Networks
25.11.2024 - Sophie Hall: Game Theory for Control Systems Tutorial and Latest Results
12.11.2024 - Rudolf Reiter: Optimization-Based Motion Planning and Obstacle Avoidance for Autonomous Driving
05.11.2024 - Dirk Reinhardt: On demand-responsive energy communities in Norway: electricity-price building via dual decomposition
04.11.2024 - Ankita Pawar, Shikha Tiwari, Christian Gajek: Autonomous Trucks at MAN and Master Defenses of Ankita Pawar and Shikha Tiwari
23.10.2024 - ELO-X Workshop on Ethical Innovation for Autonomous Systems
22.10.2024 - Dinesh Krishnamoorthy: Complexity Reduction in Model Predictive Control using Learning Techniques
18.10.2024 - Wonsun Song: Modeling and Optimization of Seasonal Thermal Energy Storage
15.10.2024 - Andrea Ghezzi: Tutorial on mixed-integer (nonlinear) optimization: formulations and solution methods
24.09.2024 - Simon Ramoser: Efficient Active-Passive Vehicle Coordination in Multi-Modal Transportation Networks
18.09.2024 - Leonie Daubmann: Analyse des "Reverse Pumping" Prinzips in Simulationen
06.09.2024 - Ifham Abdul Latheef Ahmed: Optimal Control for Bidirectional DCDC Converters
23.07.2024 - Jonas Bürgel: Influence of forecast uncertainties on MPC controllers for stationary batteries
16.07.2024 - Kristoffer Løwenstein: Physics-informed online learning of gray-box model by moving horizon estimation and efficient numerical solutions
15.07.2024 - Renewable Energy Day Freiburg
09.07.2024 - Abdurahim Wadi: Adaptive Method for Anomaly Detection in Plasma Chamber
03.07.2024 - Leo Simpson: System Identification from multiple trajectories
02.07.2024 - Leo Simpson: System Identification from multiple trajectories
27.06.2024 - Mario Willaredt: Laser Lock Control for Photothermal Spectroscopy in an Industrial Environment
20.06.2024 - Thejas Babu Sai Babu: Motion Planning and Control of a Push-Back Vehicle for Aircraft Positioning
18.06.2024 - Rashmi Dabir: Model Predictive Control based Motion Planning for Autonomous Mobile Robots using Euclidean Signed Distance Maps
18.06.2024 - Dr. Niels van Duijkeren: Intro to Robotics Research at Bosch
12.06.2024 - Renewable Energy Research Workshop (Freiburg / Republic of Korea)
10.06.2024 - Internal Workshop on Control, Optimization and Renewable Energy Systems
04.06.2024 - Daler Khamidov: MINMPC for a PVT-HP system with Ice Storage
04.04.2024 - Manuel Yves Galliker: Towards General Loco-Manipulation Control for Legged Robots using NMPC and Beyond
25.03.2024 - James B. Rawlings and Moritz Diehl: Course on Robust Nonlinear Model Predictive Control: Recent Advances in Design and Computation
23.03.2024 - Jochem De Schutter: TEDxFreiburg: Flying Wind Farms - Soaring to Climate Neutrality Faster
09.02.2024 - ELO-X Advisory Board Meeting
02.02.2024 - Akash John Subash: Model Predictive Control for Trajectory following of Automated Guided Vehicles
02.02.2024 - Karsten Bohlmann: Recent Research Topics at ek robotics GmbH
01.02.2024 - Nathalie Janes: Numerische Simulation für nichtglatte gewöhnliche Differentialgleichungen
31.01.2024 - Moritz Berger: Bayesian Sensor Calibration
29.01.2024 - Leo Simpson: How to estimate some parameters of a linear system using noisy measurement data? Theory and Discussion on a real system
25.01.2024 - Jochem De Schutter: Periodic Optimal Control Methods for Nonlinear Energy Conversion Systems
24.01.2024 - Lorenzo Fagiano: Flipped classroom mini-talks on control, optimization and airborne wind energy
24.01.2024 - Wadi Abdurahim: Adaptive Filters for Fault Detection in a Plasma Process
17.01.2024 - Manfred Pross: Prototyping of a PMSM Drive Controller and Test Bench
16.01.2024 - Frederik Zahn: Flatness-based Hybrid System Modeling – A trajectory perspective on hybrid dynamics
18.12.2023 - Osama Ahmad: Behavioral Cloning of an NMPC for Race Car Control
11.12.2023 - Antonia Mühleck: A Dynamic Wake Model based on Vortex Rings for Airborne Wind Energy Systems
04.12.2023 - Renewable Energy Day Freiburg
30.11.2023 - Armin Nurkanović: Numerical Methods for Optimal Control of Nonsmooth Dynamical Systems
30.11.2023 - Bernard Brogliato: Euler implicit time-discretization and analysis of differential-algebraic and descriptor variable linear complementarity systems using passivity
22.11.2023 - Gösta Stomberg: Real-Time Iterations for Distributed Model Predictive Control
22.11.2023 - Robert D. McAllister : Minicourse on Distributionally Robust Optimization
21.11.2023 - Robert D. McAllister: Distributional Uncertainty and Model Predictive Control
16.11.2023 - Miniworkshop on Stochastic System Identification and Transformers, Part 2
14.11.2023 - Miniworkshop on Stochastic System Identification and Transformers, Part 1
07.11.2023 - Anton Pozharskiy: Evaluating Methods for Solving Mathematical Programs With Complementarity Constraints Arising From Nonsmooth Optimal Control
25.10.2023 - Victor Maier: Control of a Bobby Car and Trailer Driving Backwards
23.10.2023 - Mirco Theile: Modeling Problems in Cyber-Physical System for Reinforcement Learning
17.10.2023 - Renzi Wang: Learning State-Dependent Switching System Using Expectation-Maximization Algorithm
04.10.2023 - Fall School on Model Predictive Control and Reinforcement Learning
29.09.2023 - Workshop on Parameter Estimation for Stochastic Systems
25.09.2023 - Paul Krüger: Systemidentification of a Reverse Pumping Rotokite (in German)
22.09.2023 - Vu Thi Huong: The Split Feasibility Problem and Beyond
18.09.2023 - Workshop on Optimization, Systems and Control
12.09.2023 - Summer School on Direct Methods for Optimal Control of Nonsmooth Systems
05.09.2023 - Ramin Abbasi: Iterative Switching Time Optimization for Mixed-Integer Optimal Control Problems
22.08.2023 - David Kiessling: Toward a practical feasible sequential optimization algorithm
20.07.2023 - Zlatan Ajanović: Planning and Learning for Long-horizon Sequential Decision-making Problems: Task and Motion Planning Approach
19.07.2023 - Leonardo Cecchin, Maximilian Manderla, Adrian Trachte: MPC, Learning and Control at Bosch
07.07.2023 - Race Car Control Laboratory Final Presentations
06.07.2023 - Prof. Dr.-Ing. Jens Geisler: Industrial Practice of Wind Turbine Control
04.07.2023 - Oliver Paul: Representations of 3D Rotations
03.07.2023 - Moritz Diehl: Nonlinear Optimization and Direct Optimal Control for Practitioners
27.06.2023 - Felix Ebert: Space Rocket and Propulsion Control
20.06.2023 - Sourish Pramanick: Real-time trajectory tracking for ADAS with Model Predictive Control
20.06.2023 - Dr. Michael Feid and Mr. Daniel Schmitt: MPC at ITK Engineering GmbH
06.06.2023 - Leo Simpson: Direct Collocation for Numerical Optimal Control of Second-Order ODE
25.05.2023 - Wind Turbine Guided Tour
23.05.2023 - Wenliang Zhang: Exploiting over-actuation for improved active safety and energy efficiency of autonomous electric vehicles
16.05.2023 - Lukas Schmidt-Engelbertz: Mixed-integer programming methods for optimal operation of district heating networks
28.04.2023 - Xinliang Dai and Veit Hagenmeyer: Distributed Optimization in the Electric Power System
20.04.2023 - Yizhen Wang: Multiple Shooting, Single Shooting and Differential Dynamic Programming for optimal Control Formulations using Barrier Formulations and Squashing
14.03.2023 - Jasper Hoffmann: An Introduction to Transformers and Large Language Models
13.03.2023 - Arne Groß: Stochastic Model Predictive Control for Smart Grid Applications
07.03.2023 - Per Rutquist: Learning via Generalized Eigenvalue Problems
27.02.2023 - Peyman Mohajerin Esfahani: The Role of Convexity in Data-Driven Decision-Making
27.02.2023 - Internal Workshop on Robust Model Predictive Control (DFG Project)
15.02.2023 - Syscop Group Retreat
07.02.2023 - Wim van Roy: Continuous Optimization for Control of Finite-State Machines via Time-Freezing in NOSNOC
02.02.2023 - Internal Mini-Workshop on Non-Linear Mixed Integer Optimal Control Algorithms
31.01.2023 - Nicolas Kessler: Gain scheduled trajectory stabilization for nonlinear systems
17.01.2023 - Wim van Roy: Optimal Control for Compressed Air Systems
17.01.2023 - Jakob Harzer, Johannes Huber: Safety Instructions Talk
15.12.2022 - Mohammad Qanadilo: An Investigation for Application of Numerical Optimization Techniques on the Energy System Model REMod
18.11.2022 - Oliver Paul: Bayesian Sensor Calibration
17.11.2022 - Dr. Niels van Duijkeren, Dr. Jan Staschulat: Robotics Research at Bosch
17.11.2022 - Eslam Salah Zaki Elshiekh: Real-time safety-monitoring for mobile robot navigation on an industrial automation computing platform
15.11.2022 - Sotaro Katayama: Algorithm developments for whole-body model predictive control of robotic systems
08.11.2022 - Jing Xie: Robust offset-free nonlinear MPC for systems learned by Neural NARX models
18.10.2022 - Ian McInerney: Tuning Numerical Methods for Linear Predictive Control using Toeplitz Operator Theory
12.10.2022 - ELO-X Advisory Board Meeting
10.10.2022 - Workshop on Embedded Optimization and Learning for Robotics and Mechatronics
10.10.2022 - Christian Jäger and Frank Krüger: How to plan and develop a research project
04.10.2022 - ELO-X Fall School and Workshop
27.09.2022 - Shiying Dong: Predictive energy-optimal control of connected and automated vehicles
19.09.2022 - Maher Brahim: Modeling and Cyclic Pitch Control of an Experimental Rotorkite Setup
12.09.2022 - Statusseminar of the FOR2041 project
27.07.2022 - Workshop on Localization and Optimization
19.07.2022 - James B. Rawlings and Moritz M. Diehl: ELO-X Short Course on Model Predictive Control Theory and Computation
14.07.2022 - Jens Nußberger: Optimal Control of a Rotary Crane - Modeling, Numerical Methods and Real-world Experiments
12.07.2022 - Hike to Rosskopf Wind Turbines
12.07.2022 - David Kiessling: Time-optimal control of mechatronic systems: Limits of the fully determined case
05.07.2022 - Armin Nurkanović: Numerical Optimal Control for Differential Equations with State Dependent Switches and Jumps
21.06.2022 - Amon Lahr: Zero-order optimization for Gaussian process-based model predictive control
31.05.2022 - Leo Simpson: System identification of a Temperature Control Unit
06.04.2022 - Rudolf Reiter: Talk: Reinforcement Learning and MPC for Interactive Planning
05.04.2022 - Christian Dietz : Efficient Collision Modelling for Numerical Optimal Control
17.03.2022 - Daniele Ronzani: A brief history of optimization-based ILC. What's next?
17.03.2022 - Shamil Mamedov: Fast vibration-free manipulation of flexible objects with robot arm
08.03.2022 - Dirk Lebiedz: Newton-flow of the Xi-function and Riemann hypothesis
07.03.2022 - Internal Workshop on Systems Control and Optimization
01.03.2022 - JP Dr. Paul Manns: Sequential Integer Linear Programming with Accelerations by Shortest Path Computations for Integer Optimal Control on One-dimensional Domains
10.02.2022 - Optimization-Based Multiscale Control of Low-Temperature Combustion Engines
08.02.2022 - Wenxin Xiong: Efficient Iterative Algorithms for Robust TOA/TDOA/AOA Based Localization
07.02.2022 - Leonardo Cecchin : Model Predictive Control for Electro-Hydraulic construction vehicles drivetrain
31.01.2022 - Daniel Unterweger: Modelling and Identification of a Rotor Kite
18.01.2022 - Léo Simpson: Presentation of a project and first results about learning-based control of thermal networks and linear positive systems.
18.01.2022 - Prof. Dr. Johannes Reuter and Hannes Homburger M. Eng.: MPPI Control Discussion
11.01.2022 - Prof. Dr. Johannes Reuter and Hannes Homburger M. Eng.: Tutorial on Model Predictive Path Integral (MPPI) Control
21.12.2021 - Armin Nurkanović: Recent Advances in the Time-Freezing Reformulation for Numerical Optimal Control of Dynamic Systems with State Jumps
20.12.2021 - Daniel Unterweger: Cyclic Pitch Control of a Rotary Kite
16.12.2021 - Paul Taschner: Optimal Control of Low-Thrust Orbit Transfers using Direct Collocation
06.12.2021 - Philipp Ebner: Adaptive Curvature Control with a Radial Basis Function Network for Autonomous Driving
02.12.2021 - Jakob Harzer: An Efficient Numerical Method for Highly Oscillatory Optimal Control Problems
30.11.2021 - Katrin Baumgärtner: The Extended Gauss-Newton Method and its Applications
16.11.2021 - Yassine Nemmour (1), Diego A. Agudelo-España (1), Jia-Jie Zhu (2): Learning and approximation algorithms for data-driven multi-stage robust decision-making
09.11.2021 - Léo Simpson: Optimal control coupled with system identification for heat transfer systems
20.10.2021 - Linus Niedermaier: Optimal control for management of electric vehicle charging infrastructures
05.10.2021 - David Kiessling : Globalizing SQP Methods for NMPC
17.09.2021 - Alexander Kickl: Modelling and Optimization of a production line
04.08.2021 - MPC and Reinforcement Learning Summer School
03.08.2021 - Sergey Levine: Model-Free and Model-Based Reinforcement Learning from Offline Data
02.08.2021 - Sebastien Gros: RL and MPC: safety, stability, and some more recent results
02.08.2021 - Sebastien Gros: Adaptation of MPC via RL: fundamental principles
13.07.2021 - Moritz Diehl: Numerical NMPC for systems with state dependent jumps and discrete actuators
05.07.2021 - Internal Workshop on Control, Estimation, Learning and Optimization
28.06.2021 - Naya Baslan: Modeling and System Identification of Epidemics with Application to COVID-19
24.06.2021 - Fabian Girrbach: Moving Horizon Estimation for Inertial Motion Tracking - Algorithms and Industrial Applications
22.06.2021 - Boris Houska: Set Based Computing Methods in Optimization and Control
21.06.2021 - Internal Workshop on Robust Model Predictive Control (DFG Project)
08.06.2021 - Mikhail Katliar: Time-optimal robot moves with alternatives
18.05.2021 - Jochem De Schutter: AWEbox: a Modeling and Optimal Control Toolbox for Single- and Multi-Drone Airborne Wind Energy Systems
11.05.2021 - Florian Messerer: Some useful facts about ellipsoids and their application to robust optimal control
29.04.2021 - Jonathan Frey, Katrin Baumgärtner: acados workshop FOR2041
08.04.2021 - Ephraim Eckl: Optimization-based Iterative Learning Control Applied to a Quadrotor System
31.03.2021 - David Pellhammer: Parameter Estimation for the Control of Plasma Chamber Impedance Matching
08.03.2021 - Andrea Zanelli: Inexact methods for nonlinear model predictive control
24.02.2021 - Jonas Hall: Numerical Methods and Software for Quadratic Programming Problems with Linear Complementarity Constraints
18.02.2021 - Matthias Gramlich: Elektrische Optimierung von Höhenwindenergieanlagen
15.02.2021 - Mikhail Katliar: Optimal control of motion simulators
12.01.2021 - Rachel Leuthold: Optimal Control with Lifting-line Wake Modeling
07.10.2020 - Armin Nurkanovic: The Time-Freezing Method for Numerical Optimal Control of Dynamics with State Jumps
22.09.2020 - Ehsan Hashemi: State Estimation for Connected and Automated Driving Systems
04.08.2020 - Internal Workshop on Control, Estimation, Learning and Optimization
10.07.2020 - Walk to Rosskopf Wind Turbine
06.07.2020 - Michael Floßmann: Model predictive control with real-time iteration for quadcopter motors on an embedded platform
24.06.2020 - Prof. Dr.-Ing. Jens Geisler: Industrial Practice of Wind Energy Converter Control
23.06.2020 - Prof. Dr.-Ing. Jens Geisler: Industrial Practice of Wind Energy Converter Control
14.05.2020 - Florian Messerer: ECC20: Determining the Exact Local Convergence Rate of Sequential Convex Programming
24.04.2020 - Muhammad Harris Khan: An Embedded Framework for Measurement Data Acquisition towards NMPC in kHz Range
24.03.2020 - Justin Pearse-Danker: Inexact Newton with Iterated Sensitivities for optimization of elliptic PDE
11.02.2020 - Armin Nurkanovic: Nonlinear Model Predictive Control for Microgrid Operation
20.01.2020 - Paul Daum: Modeling, Identification, Estimation and Control of a Rotational Start-up System for Airborne Wind Energy
19.12.2019 - Conrad Marquardt: Inexact Newton-Type Optimization with Iterated Sensitivities for Nonlinear Model Predictive Control of Cyclic Processes
03.12.2019 - Tomoyuki Iori: Recursive Elimination Method for Moving Horizon Estimation of Discrete-Time Polynomial Systems
03.12.2019 - Haoyang Deng: Parallel Computing for Nonlinear Model Predictive Control
03.12.2019 - Toshiyuki Ohtsuka: A Moving Switching Sequence Approach for Nonlinear Model Predictive Control of Switched Systems
19.11.2019 - Martin Lange: Functional Safety
07.11.2019 - Alexandra Wörnhör: Deep metric learning for sorting of image sequences– a solar cell use case
05.11.2019 - Mustafa Alp: Modelling, Identification, and Optimal Lap Simulation of a Radio Controlled Race Car
22.10.2019 - Long Cheng: Uncertain parameters analysis of powered-descent guidance based on Chebyshev interval method
07.10.2019 - Internal Workshop on Systems, Control and Optimization
01.10.2019 - Mopidevi Om Sai Swaroop: Modelling and Deisgn of Rotor Kite Experimental Setup for Airborne Wind Energy
24.09.2019 - Katrin Baumgärtner: Asymptotic comparison of Bayesian state estimates and numerical methods for moving horizon estimation
24.09.2019 - Marcelo Chulek: Precise Key Triggering for Piano Sample Recordings
20.09.2019 - Global Climate Strike
13.09.2019 - Panagiotis Kourouklidis: Preliminary experiments using PLASMA for BLASFEO parallelization.
12.09.2019 - Raphaëlle Peyraud : Modelling and Identification of the Human Balancing System
12.08.2019 - Boris Houska: Moment Based Learning
01.08.2019 - Lukas Klein: Master Thesis Presentation: Rotation Compensation for Rotary Kite Systems
30.07.2019 - Gianluca Frison, Andrea Zanelli: Recent advances in the interfaces of acados
30.07.2019 - Jonathan Frey: Recent developements on GNSF-IRK
30.07.2019 - eco4wind project meeting
22.07.2019 - Ian McInerney: A System-theoretic Approach for Analyzing the Fast Gradient Method in Fixed-point Number Representation
19.07.2019 - Jia-Jie Zhu: Learning for Control in Hybrid Systems
09.07.2019 - Benjamin Michaud: Optimal control of violin shoulder kinematics that minimize the muscle fatigue
21.06.2019 - Nicolas Mansard: Predictive Control for Complex Robots
18.06.2019 - Daniel Klöser: Hierarchical Model Predictive Control for the Power Management of a Fuel Cell Hybrid Vehicle
28.05.2019 - Jonas Koenemann: Introduction to .ocml (Optimal Control Modeling Language)
22.05.2019 - Immanuel Edi Wibowo: Tumor Control Probability modeling and Data Fitting
22.05.2019 - Felix Plum: Robust Model-Predictive Control for High-Performance Electric Drives
21.05.2019 - Barbara Barros Carlos: Guided NMPC for inducing learned control policy behaviors
10.05.2019 - Marc Steinbach: Recursive KKT solution for discretized ODE control problems
22.03.2019 - Deepranjan Dongol: PhD defense of Deepranjan Dongol
14.03.2019 - Christian Tolksdorf: Mastervortrag
25.02.2019 - Internal Workshop on Control, Estimation, Modeling and Optimization - Winter 2019
11.02.2019 - James Martens: Extensions and improvements to the K-FAC method for neural network optimization
07.02.2019 - Marco Lauricella: A Set Membership approach to the identification of linear systems with guaranteed simulation accuracy
06.02.2019 - Matilde Gargiani: Optimizing Neural Networks with Kronecker-factored Approximate Curvature
05.02.2019 - Melanie Zeilinger: MPC for Learning-based Control with Constraints
30.01.2019 - Lukas Klar: Contactless Current Sensing with Position Detection Using Model-Based Nonlinear Optimization
29.01.2019 - Peter Hofmeier : Control an Airborne Wind Energy System with a Non-Linear Model Predictive Controller using a learning Neural Network Model
28.01.2019 - Dimitris Kouzoupis: Structure-exploiting numerical methods for tree-sparse optimal control problems
15.01.2019 - Statusseminar of DFG project on Optimization-based Multi-scale Control of Low-Temperature Combustion Engines
09.01.2019 - Per Rutquist: Julia mini-course
07.01.2019 - Alexander Kozhinov: Compensation of undersampled periodic disturbance signals
14.12.2018 - Robin Verschueren: PhD defense of Robin Verschueren
12.12.2018 - Eric Kerrigan: What is the best way for drones to talk while flying?
11.12.2018 - Eric Kerrigan: Dynamic Optimization with Convergence Guarantees
26.11.2018 - Johannes P. Schlöder: Estimation of Parameters in Models of Dynamic Processes
21.11.2018 - Jonathan Frey: Structure Exploiting Integrators for Model Predictive Control
14.11.2018 - Gianluca Frison: High-level meets low-level, Part. 2
08.11.2018 - Li-Yuan Hsu : Transfer Learning for Mapless Quadrotor Navigation Using Recurrent Neural Network
06.11.2018 - Felix Plum: Robust MPC
29.10.2018 - Mikhail Katliar: High-level meets low-level, Part. 1
08.10.2018 - Syscop Retreat, Autumn 2018
04.10.2018 - Armin Nurkanovic: Hessian Approximations in Multi-Level Iterations
17.08.2018 - Dr. G. Sánchez-Arriaga: Floquet Theory and Periodic Orbits Applied to Airborne Wind Energy Systems
15.08.2018 - Jonathan Frey: Structure Exploiting Integration Schemes for acados
15.08.2018 - Dr. G. Sánchez-Arriaga: Simulation and Experimental Research Activities on Airborne Wind Energy Systems at UC3M
19.07.2018 - Harjoat S. Bhamra: Stochastic Optimal Control: Problems from Financial Economics
18.07.2018 - Giovanni Licitra: Identification and Optimization of an Airborne Wind Energy System
18.07.2018 - Lorenzo Fagiano: Learning-based predictive control for linear systems: a unitary approach
13.06.2018 - Dr. Axel Schild: Control-oriented modeling and controller design for wind turbines
11.06.2018 - Prof. Michael Schmidt: Research at the Institute of Energy Systems Technology (INES) with a Special Focus on Control Applications
07.06.2018 - Christoph Sieg: Some useful math - Part 6
16.05.2018 - Tobias Schöls: Optimization Based Robot Motion Planning in Dynamic Environments
15.05.2018 - Thomas Gijs, Stijn De Bondt: Tethered Tension Sensors
11.05.2018 - Thilo Bronnenmeyer: Optimal Control of Multi-Kite Emergency Trajectories
08.05.2018 - Adrian Bürger: Solving Combinatorial Integral Approximation problems with pycombina
25.04.2018 - Christoph Sieg: Some useful math - Part 5
24.04.2018 - Michael Zehnle: Optimierung des Temperaturverhaltens hochsensitiver induktiver Näherungssensoren
23.04.2018 - Christian Budak: Automatische Zuordnung von Eigenmoden mikromechanischer Drehratensensoren aus Simulation und Messung
18.04.2018 - Fluid Mechanics Film Series
17.04.2018 - Eva Ahbe: Stability Certificates for Periodic Trajectories of Controlled Power Kite Systems
27.03.2018 - Christoph Sieg: Some useful math
20.03.2018 - Christoph Sieg: Some useful math
13.03.2018 - Christoph Sieg: Some useful math
08.03.2018 - Anders Hansson: Exploiting Chordality in Optimization Algorithms for Model Predictive Control
06.03.2018 - Sabrina Graber: Master thesis defence - time-optimal control for a permanent magnet synchronous machine
27.02.2018 - Syscop and Kiteswarms Members: Internal Workshop on Systems Control and Optimization and Kiteswarms
20.02.2018 - Tobias Geyer: Model predictive control of power converters: Control algorithms and numerical optimization methods
20.02.2018 - Tobias Geyer: Model predictive control of power converters: An introduction
12.02.2018 - Dr. Stephan Schnez: Modeling and Optimization of Multi-Energy Systems
08.02.2018 - Pontus Giselsson: Fixed-Point Interpretations in Large-Scale Convex Optimization
06.02.2018 - Jennifer Hofmann: Comparison of direct collocation methods for optimal control
23.01.2018 - Matthias Müller: Economic model predictive control: optimality, robustness and distributed implementation
22.01.2018 - Tobias Schöls: Optimization based robot motion planning in dynamic environments
15.12.2017 - Bernhard Miller: Power production based on high-altitude wind turbines
12.12.2017 - Vasu Sharma: Low-Cost Flow Characterization Methods
12.12.2017 - Joris Gillis: Optispline: a toolbox for robust (dynamic) optimization using spline relaxations
27.11.2017 - Aachen-Freiburg Workshop on modeling and optimal control of a Gasoline Controlled Auto Ignition (GCAI) Engine
27.11.2017 - Benjamin Stickan: Joint project DyConPV - (N)MPC in Power-Electronics
24.11.2017 - Sebastian Albrecht: Nonlinear Model Predictive Control of a Heat Storage Tank
21.11.2017 - Giovanni Licitra: System Identification, Pattern Analysis and Control Algorithm Design of a Rigid Wing Airborne Wind Energy System via an Optimal Control Approach
24.10.2017 - Sabrina Graber: Time Optimal Control of Electric Drives with Constraints
24.10.2017 - Quentin Docquier: Optimal Control of Multibody Systems
17.10.2017 - Branimir Novoselnik, Yutao Chen, Yuning Jiang, Tommaso Sartor: Summer of NOC presentations
10.10.2017 - Dr. Steven Kehrberg: Experimental Modal Analysis of Automotive MEMS Sensors
05.10.2017 - Airborne Wind Energy Conference 2017
18.09.2017 - Syscop Retreat 2017
15.09.2017 - Gianluca Frison: The BLASFEO and HPIPM frameworks
15.09.2017 - Hoang Xuan Phu: The Method of Orienting Curves for Finding Optimal Paths in Restricted Areas
01.09.2017 - Markus Püschel: Program Generation for Small Linear Algebra
25.08.2017 - Numerical optimal control: project presentations
23.08.2017 - Ayman El-Badawy: Short Introduction to the German University in Cairo
03.08.2017 - Robin Verschueren: Rapid optimal control prototyping with CasADi and acados
25.07.2017 - Petr Listov: Nonlinear Model Predictive Path Following Control of a Fixed-Wing Single-Line Kite: An Experimental Study
05.07.2017 - Michael Neunert: Efficient Numerical Optimal Control for Motion Planning and Control of Mobile Robots
05.07.2017 - Markus Giftthaler: From In situ Fabrication to Optimal Robot Control — Advancing Building Construction with Mobile Robots
04.07.2017 - Mario Zanon: Coordination of Autonomous Vehicles at Intersections
28.06.2017 - Jorge Perez: Embedded Non-linear Position Control of an Electromagnetic Actuator
13.06.2017 - Niels van Duijkeren: NMPC with Economic Objectives on Target Manifolds
30.05.2017 - Dr. Christoph Sieg: AWEsome
19.05.2017 - Aachen-Freiburg Workshop on modeling and optimal control of a Gasoline Controlled Auto Ignition (GCAI) Engine
19.05.2017 - Patrick Caspari: Stability Analysis of a Vertical Axis Periodic Kite System
16.05.2017 - Dr. Kai O. Arras: Robotics Research at Bosch
15.05.2017 - Final Presentations of the Embedded Control Project
09.05.2017 - Thorsten Schmidt: Incomplete Information in Finance
27.03.2017 - Joris Gillis: Efficient Programming with CasADi 3.1
16.03.2017 - Robin Verschueren: Eco4Wind ACADO course
02.03.2017 - Alexander Domahidi: Embedded optimization from an industrial perspective
31.01.2017 - Jonas Schlagenhauf: Master Thesis Presentation: Model Predictive Control of a Constrained Model Airplane
31.01.2017 - Dinesh Babu Seenivasa: Optimization of Descending and Landing Trajectories of Commercial Aircraft through Optimal Control Techniques (OPTA)
20.01.2017 - Aachen-Freiburg Workshop on numerical modelling of a Gasoline Controlled Auto Ignition (GCAI) Engine for optimal control
17.01.2017 - Peter Ochs: iPiano: Inertial Proximal Algorithm for Non-Convex Optimization
16.01.2017 - Thomas Haas: A large-eddy simulation framework for wind energy applications
20.12.2016 - Jonas Holley: Master Thesis Presentation
20.12.2016 - Stefan Gering: Industrial Applications for Embedded Optimization
07.12.2016 - Prof. Jonas Buchli, Dr. Diego Pardo and Michael Neunert: Numerical Optimal Control in Agile Robotics
05.12.2016 - Aachen-Freiburg Workshop on Real-time Optimal Control of Cyclic Processes
25.11.2016 - Hans Georg Bock: Inverse Optimal Control Problems and Application to Modeling the Gait of Cerebral Palsy Patients
25.11.2016 - Mini Symposium on Numerical Optimization
25.11.2016 - Stefan Vandewalle: Robust Optimization with a Multilevel Monte Carlo Method
18.10.2016 - Bulat Khusainov: Exploring trade-offs in predictive control on reconfigurable computing platforms
19.09.2016 - Jochem De Schutter: Modeling and periodic optimal control of an Airborne Wind Turbine
05.09.2016 - Syscop Group Retreat
02.09.2016 - Yuning Jiang, Boris Houska (presented by Yuning) : Distributed optimization and control with ALADIN
02.09.2016 - Boris Houska, Xuhui Feng (presented by Boris) : Self-reflective model predictive control
25.08.2016 - Lorenzo Fagiano: Theory and applications of controls, airborne wind energy, and the toolbox engineer
04.08.2016 - Minh Dang Doan: Distributed model predictive control approaches and distributed embedded optimization
02.08.2016 - Katja Mombaur: Towards fast, efficient and stable motions
25.07.2016 - Summer School on Numerical Optimization Software
19.07.2016 - Joris Gillis: For-loop equivalents and massive parallelization in CasADi
19.07.2016 - Marcus Heitel: Towards slow manifold based model reduction in optimal control of multiple time scale ODE
05.07.2016 - Silvia Manara: Trajectory optimization of multibody systems with contacts
22.06.2016 - Silvano Balemi : X-ray systems and on-line optimization
21.06.2016 - Quoc Tran-Dinh: Proximal path-following method: a new framework for nonsmooth constrained convex optimization
16.06.2016 - Hans Mittelmann: Introduction to NEOS Server
14.06.2016 - Niels van Duijkeren: An adaptive inexact-Jacobian SQP method for predictive path-following
13.06.2016 - Hans Mittelmann: Computing Strong Bounds in Combinatorial Optimization
01.06.2016 - Roderick Read: Open Hardware, Kite Networks and Airborne Wind Energy Systems (AWES)
31.05.2016 - Eric Nguyen Van: Autonomous Take Off and Flight of a Tethered Glider for Airborne Wind Energy
13.05.2016 - Fabian Girrbach: Attitude Estimation using IMUs
11.05.2016 - Timm Faulwasser: Path Following – On Tailored Normal Forms and NMPC Design
10.05.2016 - Mikhail Pak: Finding the nearest path point: A small comparison of optimisation methods
10.05.2016 - Philipp Niermeyer: Geometric Path Following Control for Multirotor Vehicles Using Nonlinear Model Predictive Control and 3D Spline Paths
10.05.2016 - Mikhail Katliar: [Yet another] software architecture for model-predictive control
03.03.2016 - Jeroen Hol: Sensor Fusion Solutions for Inertial-Based Motion Tracking
29.02.2016 - AWESCO Kick-Off Week
15.02.2016 - Winter School on Numerical Optimal Control with Differential Algebraic Equations
11.02.2016 - Fabian Müller und Peter Hofmeier : Regelung in MatLab Simulink mit der Arduino IO Bibliothek
08.02.2016 - Goele Pipeleers: Robust optimization and its power in the absence of uncertainty
08.02.2016 - Emil Klintberg: Some new results on structure exploitation for optimal control
04.02.2016 - Prof. Russell Luke: Error bounds and quantifiable convergence of proximal methods for nonsmooth/(non)convex optimization
03.02.2016 - Per Rutquist: Symbolic Processing for Optimization in Matlab
02.02.2016 - Prof. Dr. Dirk Lebiedz: Computing Slow Invariant Attracting Manifolds for Model Reduction of Dissipative Dynamical Systems
25.01.2016 - Friedrich Hagedorn: Nonlinear Modeling for Broadband Piezoelectric Energy Harvesting
20.01.2016 - Moritz Diehl: Sequential Convex Programming
13.01.2016 - Internal HIGHIWND Workshop on Systems, Control and Optimization
11.01.2016 - Dr. Ralf Hannemann-Tamás: Numerical Sensitivity Analysis for Parametric Ordinary Differential Equations
15.12.2015 - Moritz Diehl: Robust Optimization for Nonlinear Dynamic Systems
11.12.2015 - Tomasz Minko: Cost efficient optimization based supervisory Controller for supermarket subsystems with heat recovery
08.12.2015 - Stephan Schnez: Take-Off & Landing - A Challenge for Lift-Based, Rigid Wing AWE Systems
25.11.2015 - Gabriele Pannocchia: Multivariable system identification for Model Predictive Control: fundamentals and practice
24.11.2015 - Gabriele Pannocchia: A tutorial overview on theory and design of offset-free MPC algorithms
10.11.2015 - Lorenz Assländer: Sensory integration in human balance control
03.11.2015 - Marco Laumanns: Distribution shaping and scenario bundling for stochastic programs with endogenous uncertainty
30.10.2015 - Mikhail Katliar: First try of MPC on MPI CyberMotion simulator
28.10.2015 - Yuanling Zheng: Evaluation and Improvement of Control strategies for PV-battery-systems
27.10.2015 - T. Albin and L. Pyta: Control of Low Temperature Combustion Engines
26.10.2015 - Nico Wöhrle: Simulation und Verlustanalyse von Lokal Rückseitenkontaktierten Silicium-Solarzellen
21.10.2015 - Richard Ruiterkamp: Airborne Wind Energy - Opportunity or Pie in the Sky?
24.07.2015 - Niels van Duijkeren: Real-Time NMPC for Mechatronic Systems
21.07.2015 - Benjamin Stickan: Introduction to grid connected power electronics and model based control techniques
13.07.2015 - Rene Schneider: Iterative, partition-based moving horizon state estimation
07.07.2015 - Massimo De Mauri: Socially-Aware Motion Planning with RRTs
06.07.2015 - Jochem De Schutter: Sensitivity analysis of optimal divertor configurations in nuclear fusion reactors
01.07.2015 - Sébastien Gros: Some Recent Progress on Optimal Control for Energy Applications
30.06.2015 - Sébastien Gros: Airborne Wind Energy, Modeling & Optimization
25.06.2015 - Hans Mittelmann: Solving Hard Quadratic 3-Dimensional Assignment Problems from Wireless Communications
12.06.2015 - Damon Vander Lind: Developing a 600 kW Airborne Wind Turbine
12.06.2015 - Scientific Advisory Board (SAB) Meeting of the ERC Project HIGHWIND
11.06.2015 - Andrea Ianelli: Nonlinear aeroelastic analysis of Joined-Wing configuration
27.05.2015 - Internal Workshop on “Systems Control and Optimization”
26.05.2015 - Quoc Tran Dinh: Parameter Tuning-Free Primal-Dual Algorithms for Large-Scale Constrained Convex Optimization
19.05.2015 - Andrea Zanelli: Efficient Discretization Schemes for Embedded Nonlinear Model Predictive Control
13.05.2015 - Panos Patrinos: FORBES: Forward-Backward Envelope Solver for convex nonsmooth optimization
12.05.2015 - Panos Patrinos joint work with Lorenzo Stella: Forward-Backward L-BFGS for large-scale nonsmooth optimization
11.05.2015 - Compact ACADO Course – Automatic Control And Dynamic Optimization
05.05.2015 - Prof. Dr. Kristof Van Laerhoven: Towards modelling behaviour from long-term ubiquitous deployments
30.04.2015 - Thiva Albin: NMPC of Two-Stage Turbochargers for Gasoline Engines with ACADO
30.04.2015 - Pierre-Antoine Absil: Optimization on manifolds: methods and applications
29.04.2015 - Nilay Saraf: Predictive control for capacity controlled heat pumps
28.04.2015 - Dietmar Kröner: Mathematics: Key Technology for the Future
27.04.2015 - Rachel Leuthold: Multiple-Wake Vortex Lattice Method for Airborne Wind Energy Membrane-Wing Kites
21.04.2015 - Tobias Lindstrøm Jensen: Fast Algorithms for High-Order Sparse Linear Prediction with Applications to Speech Processing
21.04.2015 - Julian Reimer: Remote Controlling of the HIGHWIND Carousel with a Joystick
25.03.2015 - TEMPO Spring School
23.03.2015 - Workshop on Optimal Control of Thermal Systems in Buildings using Modelica
11.03.2015 - Cristian Gebhard : Multi-body systems and time-domain integration
10.03.2015 - Cristian Gebhardt: Fluid-structure interaction of mechanical systems: an application to wind energy
03.03.2015 - Joerg Fischer: Networked Control Systems and Sequence-Based Control
27.02.2015 - Adrian Bürger: Short introduction to PECas
18.02.2015 - Chris Eberl and Melanie Senn: Optimization Problems in Material Processing
17.02.2015 - Andrew Wagner: A Brief History of HIGHWIND Carousel Development and an Idea for Future Carousels
17.02.2015 - Mikhail Katliar: Model-predictive control of motion simulators
02.02.2015 - Thiva Albin and Dennis Ritter: This event has passed. Model Predictive Control of Two-Stage Turbochargers for Gasoline Engines
28.01.2015 - Jeroen Stuyts: Electrical Energy Conversion System for Pumping Airborne Wind Energy
27.01.2015 - Carsten Mehring: Human Motor Control: Structures, Skills and Movement Decisions
21.01.2015 - Course on Flight Mechanics Modelling for Optimization
20.01.2015 - Dr. Michael Erhard: SkySails Tethered Kites for Ship Propulsion and Power Generation
01.12.2014 - HIGHWIND Day
27.11.2014 - ACADO Course – Automatic Control And Dynamic Optimization
13.11.2014 - Jonas Koenemann: Master Thesis Presentation
31.10.2014 - Mohammed Mehrez: Relative localization and tracking control in multirobot systems using MHE and NMPC
28.10.2014 - Dipl.-Ing. Florian Reiners: Introduction to the field of activities of the department for power electronic systems, Fraunhofer ISE
23.10.2014 - Janick Frasch: Quo vadis qpDUNES?
15.10.2014 - Adrian Bürger: Model predictive control for solar thermal cooling systems
15.10.2014 - Mikhail Katliar: Optimal Control for Motion Simulation
16.09.2014 - Lilli Bergner: The Galerkin-Polynominal Chaos Method for Optimal Control under Unvertainty
08.09.2014 - Markus Auer & Oliver Slaby: Improvement of Kinetic Models for Steam Cracking Furnaces
04.09.2014 - Steven Diamond: Convex Optimization in Python with CVXPY
03.09.2014 - TEMPO 2 Day Course on Robust Optimal Control
20.08.2014 - FRIAS Workshop on Robust Optimization and Control
04.08.2014 - Summer School on Numerical Optimal Control
29.07.2014 - Control and Optimization Laboratory Group Workshop
28.07.2014 - Robin Verschueren: Nonlinear Control and State Estimation of Model Race Cars
16.07.2014 - Dr. Daniel Zelazo: Distributed Negotiation Methods for Multi-Agent Dynamical Systems
10.07.2014 - Satya Gopisetty: Library Concept and Generic Parametrization for Energy Planning of Polygeneration Systems
10.07.2014 - Dominik Wystrcil: Optimization of Hydronic Space Heating and Cooling Systems Utilizing Environmental Heat Sources and Sinks
10.07.2014 - Martin Schmelas: Prädiktive Algorithmen für thermoaktive Bauteilsysteme zur Entlastung des Stromnetzes
30.06.2014 - Dr. Vyacheslav Kungurtsev: SQP Methods for Parametric Nonlinear Programming
10.06.2014 - Philippe Monmousseau: Automatic Testing for an NLP Solver by Generating Feasible or Infeasible Problems (LPs, QPs, OCPs)
03.06.2014 - Dirk Lebiedz and Pascal Heiter: Model Reduction in Chemical Kinetics
03.06.2014 - Muhammad Imran: Master Thesis Presentation Probabilistic Power Flow
20.03.2014 - Cooperative Distributed MPC with Event-Based Communication
19.03.2014 - IMTEK-TEMPO Workshop on Embedded Quadratic Programming (EQP2014)