Florian Messerer


Short Bio

Florian Messerer received a B.Sc. in Microsystems Engineering from the University of Freiburg, Germany, in 2016 and a M.Sc. in Mathematical Engineering from KU Leuven, Belgium, in 2018. He then came back to Freiburg to join the Laboratory for Systems, Control and Optimization as research and teaching assistant. Since March 2020, he is pursuing a PhD under the supervision of Prof. Moritz Diehl, since January 2022 as an associated fellow of the Marie-Skłodowska-Curie project ELO-X.

Research Interests

  • Uncertainty-aware model predictive control
    • Robust, stochastic and dual
    • Efficient formulations and algorithms
  • Sequential convex programming and generalized Gauss-Newton methods


Assisting in the organization of the following courses:

Recent Preprints

Real-Time-Feasible Collision-Free Motion Planning For Ellipsoidal Objects.
Yunfan Gao, Florian Messerer, Niels van Duijkeren, Boris Houska, Moritz Diehl
https://arxiv.org/abs/2409.12007, 2024.

Stochastic Model Predictive Control with Optimal Linear Feedback for Mobile Robots in Dynamic Environments.
Yunfan Gao, Florian Messerer, Niels van Duijkeren, Moritz Diehl
https://arxiv.org/abs/2407.14220, 2024.

Fast System Level Synthesis: Robust Model Predictive Control using Riccati Recursions.
Antoine P. Leeman, Johannes Köhler, Florian Messerer, Amon Lahr, Moritz Diehl, Melanie N. Zeilinger
https://arxiv.org/abs/2401.13762, 2024.

LCQPow - A Solver for Linear Complementarity Quadratic Programs.
Jonas Hall, Armin Nurkanovic, Florian Messerer, Moritz Diehl
https://arxiv.org/abs/2211.16341, 2022.

Also see my google scholar page and my arXiv list.
