Jesus Lago Garcia

Job Student


Phone: +32 479 88 12 45


Research Interests

Optimal Control, Mathematical Modelling, Numerical Optimization, Machine Learning.

Short Bio

Jesus Lago Garcia  was born in 1989 in Porriño, Spain. He received his Diploma in Electronics and Robotics at the University of Vigo in 2013. He first moved to Freiburg to do his Diploma's Thesis in the field of robotics, at the laboratory of Autonomous Intelligent Systems under the supervision of Prof. Dr. Wolfram Burgard. Then, he decided to stay in Freiburg to pursue the Master program of "Microsystem Engineering" with a major in Numerical Optimization and Optimal Control. He finished his Master's thesis in "Periodic Optimal Control and Model Predictive Control of a Tethered Kite for Airbone Wind Energy" supervised by Dr. Michael Erhard and Prof. Dr. Moritz Diehl at the Laboratory of Systems Control and Optimization, University of Freiburg.

Currently he is a PhD fellow at VITO and TU Delft as a part of the Marie-Curie network INCITE. His research topic involves "Intrusive and non-intrusive control algorithms for the energy market".