Outstanding L-CSS Paper Award for Armin Nurkanovic et al.

The paper "A time-freezing approach for numerical optimal control of nonsmooth differential equations with state jumps” by Armin Nurkanovic, Tommaso Sartor, Sebastian Albrecht and Moritz Diehl received the IEEE Control Systems Letters Outstanding Paper Award 2022. The official plaque was given to the paper's first author, Armin Nurkanovic, at the CDC 2022 in Cancun, Mexico (pictured), which he could attend with all travel expenses covered as part of the award. The paper introduces a novel way to formulate dynamic systems with discontinuous state jump laws that makes them easier to treat in optimal control. It does so by introducing auxiliary dynamics that lead to a continuous transition during the action of the jump law. While the jump evolves in numerical time, physical time in form of a clock state is frozen, so that the formulation is fully equivalent to the original dynamic system.