import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import casadi as ca # Set up problem data: # discrete system matrices A = np.array([ [1, 0.1], [0.1, 0.99] ]) B = np.array([ [0], [0.1] ]) nx = 2 nu = 1 # weight matrices Q = np.eye(2) R = 1 # MPC horizon N = 10 # Question 1a) # create empty optimization problem opti = ca.Opti() # decision variables u_all = opti.variable(nu, N) # all controls x_all = opti.variable(nx, N+1) # all states x0hat = opti.parameter(nx, 1) # initial state estimate # objective function obj = 0 for i in range(N): obj += ... opti.minimize(obj) # constraints constr = [] opti.subject_to( ... == 0) # initial condition for i in range(N): opti.subject_to(... == 0) # dynamics opti.subject_to(... <= ) # constraints opti.subject_to(... == 0) # terminal constraint # Setting solver to ipopt and solving the problem: opti.solver('ipopt', {}, {'max_iter': 100}) # Question 1b): Investigate feasible set n_points = 21 theta0 = np.linspace(-np.pi/6, np.pi/6, n_points, endpoint= True) dtheta0 = np.linspace(-2*np.pi/3, 2*np.pi/3, n_points, endpoint=True) thetav, dthetav = np.meshgrid(theta0, dtheta0) u_MPC = np.zeros((n_points, n_points)) for i in range(len(theta0)): for j in range(len(dtheta0)): x0 = ... opti.set_value(...) try: sol = ... u_MPC[i,j] = ... except: u_MPC[i,j] = np.nan thetav[i,j] = np.nan dthetav[i,j] = np.nan plt.figure() plt.plot(thetav, dthetav, marker = 'o', linestyle = 'none', color = 'tab:green') plt.xlim([-np.pi/3, np.pi/3]) plt.xlabel(r'$\theta$') plt.ylabel(r'$\dot{\theta}$') # Question 1c): Feasible set of LQR controller # Compute LQR feedback matrix and cost-to-go (see Exercise 3) P0 = Q Pk = Q k = 0 tol = 1e-8 while k < 1 or (np.linalg.norm(P0 - Pk) > tol): P0 = Pk Pk = A.T@P0@A - (A.T@P0@B)@np.linalg.inv(R + B.T@P0@B)@(B.T@P0@A) + Q k = k + 1 K = - np.linalg.inv(B.T@Pk@B +R)@B.T@Pk@A A_CL = A + B@K # sample thetav_lqr, dthetav_lqr = np.meshgrid(theta0, dtheta0) u_lqr = np.zeros((n_points, n_points)) Nsim = 50 # closed-loop simulation horizon for checking constraint violation for i in range(len(theta0)): for j in range(len(dtheta0)): x0 = ... u0 = ... violate_constraints = False for k in range(Nsim): uk = ... if np.abs(uk) > 1 or np.abs(x0[0]) > np.pi/6: violate_constraints = True break x0 = ... # forward simulation if violate_constraints: u_lqr[i,j] = np.nan thetav_lqr[i,j] = np.nan dthetav_lqr[i,j] = np.nan else: u_lqr[i,j] = u0 plt.figure() plt.plot(thetav, dthetav, marker = 'o', linestyle = 'none', color = 'tab:green') plt.plot(thetav_lqr, dthetav_lqr, marker = 's', linestyle = 'none', color = 'tab:red', alpha = 0.6) plt.xlim([-np.pi/3, np.pi/3]) plt.xlabel(r'$\theta$') plt.ylabel(r'$\dot{\theta}$') # Question 1d): Plot feedback law fig = plt.figure() plt.plot(...) plt.grid(True) plt.xlim([-np.pi/3, np.pi/3]) plt.xlabel(r'$\theta$') plt.ylabel(r'$u_0$') # Question 2b): Terminal set formulation - investigate feasible set Af = np.array([ [-0.0053, -0.5294], [0.0053, 0.5294], [-0.5198, -0.9400], [0.5198, 0.9400], [-1.0000, 0], [1.0000, 0] ] ) bf = np.array([ [1], [1], [1], [1], [3], [3] ]) opti = ca.Opti() # decision variables u_all = opti.variable(nu, N) # all controls x_all = opti.variable(nx, N+1) # all states x0hat = opti.parameter(nx, 1) # initial state estimate # objective function obj = 0 for i in range(N): obj += ... obj += ... opti.minimize(obj) # constraints constr = [] opti.subject_to( ... == 0) # initial condition for i in range(N): opti.subject_to(... == 0) # dynamics opti.subject_to(... <= ...) # constraints opti.subject_to(... == 0) # terminal constraint # Setting solver to ipopt and solving the problem: opti.solver('ipopt', {}, {'max_iter': 100}) # test initial conditions n_points = 21 thetaf, dthetaf = np.meshgrid(theta0, dtheta0) u_MPCf = np.zeros((n_points, n_points)) for i in range(len(theta0)): for j in range(len(dtheta0)): x0 = ... opti.set_value(...) try: sol = ... u_MPCf[i,j] = ... except: u_MPCf[i,j] = np.nan thetaf[i,j] = np.nan dthetaf[i,j] = np.nan plt.figure() plt.plot(thetaf, dthetaf, marker = 'o', linestyle = 'none', color = 'tab:blue', alpha = 0.8) plt.plot(thetav, dthetav, marker = 'o', linestyle = 'none', color = 'tab:green', alpha = 0.8) plt.xlim([-np.pi/3, np.pi/3]) plt.xlabel(r'$\theta$') plt.ylabel(r'$\dot{\theta}$')