import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt # discrete system matrices A = np.array([ [1, 0.1], [0.1, 0.99] ]) B = np.array([ [0], [0.1] ]) # weight matrices Q = np.eye(2) R = 1 # initialize infinite cost-to-go P0 = Q Pk = Q # Ricatti recursion k = 0 tol = 1e-8 while k < 1 or (np.linalg.norm(P0 - Pk) > tol): # update cost-to-go matrix P0 = Pk # perform Ricatti recursion Pk = A.T@P0@A - (A.T@P0@B)@np.linalg.inv(R + B.T@P0@B)@(B.T@P0@A) + Q # k = k + 1 print('Infinite-horizon cost-to-go P: \n {}'.format(Pk)) # LQR feedback matrix K = - np.linalg.inv(B.T@Pk@B +R)@B.T@Pk@A print('LQR feedback matrix K: \n {}'.format(K)) # Simulate closed-loop (with linear system dynamics) A_CL = A + B@K Nsim = 50 x0 = np.array([ [np.pi/6], [0] ]) x = [x0] u = [] for k in range(Nsim): u.append(K@x[-1].squeeze()) x.append(A_CL@x[-1]) x1 = [state[0] for state in x] x2 = [state[1] for state in x] plt.plot(x1, label = '$x_{1,LQR}$', color = 'tab:blue') plt.plot(x2, label = '$x_{2, LQR}$', color = 'tab:orange') plt.step(range(len(u)),u, where = 'post', label = '$u_{LQR}$', color = 'tab:green') plt.legend() plt.xlabel('$k$') plt.grid() # define NLP N = 10 # MPC horizon nx = 2 nu = 1 # create empty optimization problem import casadi as ca opti = ca.Opti() # decision variables u_all = opti.variable(nu, N) # all controls x_all = opti.variable(nx, N+1) # all states x0hat = opti.parameter(nx, 1) # initial state estimate # objective function obj = 0 for i in range(N): obj += R*u_all[:,i]**2 obj += x_all[:,i].T@Q@x_all[:,i] obj += x_all[:,N].T@Pk@x_all[:,N] opti.minimize(obj) # constraints constr = [] opti.subject_to( x_all[:,0] - x0hat == 0) # initial condition for i in range(N): # dynamics opti.subject_to(x_all[:,i+1] - A@x_all[:,i] - B@u_all[:,i] == 0) opti.subject_to(u_all <= 1) opti.subject_to(- u_all <= 1) # Setting solver to ipopt and solving the problem: opti.solver('ipopt') # closed-loop response x_MPC = [x0] u_MPC = [] for k in range(Nsim): # update initial condition and solve OCP opti.set_value(x0hat, x_MPC[-1]) sol = opti.solve() # retrieve solution X_all = sol.value(x_all) U_all = sol.value(u_all) # store first controls and next state (perfect model) u_MPC.append(U_all[0]) x_MPC.append(X_all[:,1]) x1_MPC = [state[0] for state in x_MPC] x2_MPC = [state[1] for state in x_MPC] plt.plot(x1_MPC, label = '$x_{1,MPC}$', linestyle = '--', color = 'tab:blue') plt.plot(x2_MPC, label = '$x_{2,MPC}$', linestyle = '--', color = 'tab:orange') plt.step(range(len(u_MPC)),u_MPC, where = 'post', label = '$u_{MPC}$', linestyle = '--', color = 'tab:green') plt.legend() plt.xlabel('$k$') plt.grid(True)